Edible Garden

Spare tomatoes

Just like any dynasty needs a couple of spare heirs, at the ready should something happen to the first-born, I have spare tomato seedlings.

I planted seeds of each variety into multiple plugs. The spares are going to move slowly out into the greenhouse – first into pots, let them grow some roots, then into the greenhouse.

Just to be sure, I’m going to start a few more seeds in plugs … these are the last spare heirs.

Edible Garden

Honey, I murdered the tomatoes!

A few days ago I planted half of my tomato seedlings into 4” pots. Traditionally, I let them linger too long in their little starter plugs, so this year, I wanted to get ahead, and move them into the greenhouse so they can spread their roots. They had a first set of true leaves showing, and my greenhouse isn’t going to freeze, right. They’ll be fine…

Turns out, nope, they were not fine. I pulled three pots – those with the most-alive looking plants – back inside. But it was too late.

I had murdered them.

Edible Garden Straw Bale Garden

Inside the Greenhouse

The bale in the middle is the first straw bale into which I planted seeds directly, about 10 days ago. There are cabbage and vit (corn salad or mâche) on this bale. They sprouted alright, and I can see first sets of true leaves showing up on the cabbages.

I really enjoy mâche. It’s tender and flavorful: nutty. I had never seen mâche in the stores here, but had loved it when I lived in Europe. It is called “Feldsalat” in German. Here is a link with more info on mâche.
I like mâche dressed with walnut oil, lemon juice, finely minced shallots, and toasted walnuts.

Newcomers – 10 day old seedlings

I moved these very young seedlings from the house into the greenhouse yesterday. It’s only 10 days after seeding. We’ll see how this goes.
Here we have a bunch of cabbage:
Cuore di Bue and Golden Acre, as well as a couple of Oregon Spring tomatoes.

Edible Garden Straw Bale Garden

Day Three of Conditioning Straw Bales

I started conditioning another batch of straw bales on Sunday. Temperatures went below freezing the Monday and Tuesday night. Not much, about 30F.

I checked on them this morning around 9 AM. There was frost on the bales. But that did not discourage the community within from actively working on turning our bales into planters.

The photos show different bales, with a meat thermometer so we can see the temperature inside of the bales.

This experiment isn’t very controlled – the bales did get different amounts of fertilizer, and some received both blood meal and a commercial lawn fertilizer. Some bales are under a cover. They do get different sun exposure during the day.

But one thing is clear – more nitrogen = more activity! Even with less sun/heat!

Row in North-south orientation.
60F on day 3! Yes, that’s frost on the bale surface.
Wow, 80F on day 3!
Day 5 for this one. It was also under cover for the last 20 hours. 110F – Impressive!

Edible Garden

Seedlings under Light

I started some tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, celery a few days ago under light for the straw bales inside of the greenhouse.

2020 will be my first attempt at straw bale gardening!

Check out Joel Karsten’s website for details on Straw Bale Gardening.